Rabu, November 16, 2011


Beasiswa Scholarships Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses 2011

Posted: 13 Nov 2011 10:35 PM PST

MSc in Global Innovation Management?

Duration: 2 years
Course description:
Successful management of the innovation process is essential for any business wanting to stay ahead of the competition.

The 2-year MSc in Global Innovation Management (GIM) will equip students with the skills needed to transform research outputs into innovative products and services for worldwide markets. It also provides a unique opportunity to test these skills internationally as part of the study programme.

GIM addresses new challenges in innovative global enterprise and provides:
A practical and global perspective of Innovation Management
Skills applicable for larger multinational organisations to smaller enterprises
Expanded perspectives of Innovation Management including Technology Management, R&D, and Product/Service Development with focus on the interface between disciplines involved in the process;
Increased research capability focused on activities at the periphery of the innovation process.
All students take a common first year at the University of Strathclyde, then choose either to deepen study at Hamburg University of Technology (Germany), or to apply skills and knowledge in an industrial internship at Aalborg University (Denmark).

The course is structured as follows:
Semesters 1 and 2 (Year One) provides a strong foundation in the Innovation Management process, with essential practical experience of working within global teams and with an industrial client on product/service development briefs. Strategic technology management, manufacturing business strategy and supply chain
management are also a central focus.
Semester 3 at Hamburg looks at early and late phases of the innovation management process. It concentrates on market research for (radical) innovation, cross functional cooperation at the front end of the innovation process, managing innovation projects over geographical and functional/divisional boarders and preparing the market introduction of new products and services.
Semester 3 at Aalborg is an industrial internship providing the students with global innovation management work experience consolidating the knowledge and skills obtained at Strathclyde. Students will deliver a relevant and theoretically supported project to the host Danish company.
In Semester 4 all students take a thesis project supervised jointly between academics at the host institution and another partner institution.

The programme is delivered in English and intended for excellent graduates of first degrees in Engineering, Science and Technology. The MSc award is made jointly by the University of Strathclyde and the secondyear institution. Graduates, supported by a network of valuable contacts, enter the international employment
market working:
With enterprises dealing with high end technological products and services
as consultants making technology assessment and innovation /change management
with governmental institutes dealing with innovation policy and strategy
with relevant research and higher education institutions.
UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE, United Kingdom (Co-ordinating Institution)

William John Ion
University of Strathclyde
75, Montrose Street
881 000 € (15 000 € consortium + 866 000 € scholarships), 2008
865 000 € (15 000 € consortium + 850 000 € scholarships), 2009
846 000 € (30 000 € consortium + 816 000 € scholarships), 2010

Website: www.globalinnovationmanagement.org

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