Jumat, November 11, 2011

USA Emerge Scholarship 2012 for International Students

USA Emerge Scholarship 2012 for International Students

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 08:59 AM PST

The Emerge Scholarships Inc. (Emerge) scholarship program (www.emergescholarships.org) has awarded nearly a quarter of a million dollars in scholarships since its founding year, 2001. While each year hundreds of applicants apply for the scholarships, we are only able to recognize a small number of winners. The selection committee is focused on identifying special women – non-traditional students whose education was delayed or interrupted, individuals with a vision to succeed regardless of any obstacles that life has put in their way.
We are especially interested in recognizing women who give back to their communities and whose goals and desires for education align with their passions. Additionally, preference is given to women who are pursuing their educational endeavors in the state of Georgia.

This may include women who are returning to school after a hiatus, changing careers, seeking advancement in their career or work life, and stay-at-home moms entering the work place and in need of additional education/training. This scholarship is not intended for recent high school graduates or women who are eligible for or who have already received other significant financial aid.


Scholarship applicants must be accepted into a program of study at an educational institution, as evidenced by a proof of acceptance – either an acceptance letter OR a current school transcript.

Applicants must be at least 25 years of age as of the date of the postmark of the application.

Applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, and/or physical impairment.

Applicants must complete the application form and essay requirement and must mail all required materials to the address provided. All materials being submitted for an applicant (signed application, recommendation letters and program acceptance letter or current transcripts) must be submitted in one package. All material related to an applicant must note the applicant’s name and email address. The application package must be postmarked no later than Friday, January 6, 2012. No exceptions will be made.

Applicants are responsible for gathering and submitting all necessary information. Applications will be evaluated based on the information provided; therefore, all questions should be answered as thoroughly as possible. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Scholarship recipients will be chosen based on a number of criteria, including financial need, other funding received, career/life goals, essay content, leadership and participation in community activities, and honors and awards received. Please see the Additional Information section for detailed information on selection criteria and application requirements.

Provided that a valid email address is included, each applicant will be notified of the status of her application no later than February 15, 2012. Only a select number of applicants will be chosen as recipients.

Acceptance of a scholarship award constitutes permission for Emerge to use the recipient’s name, biographical information, and photo for publicity purposes.

Recipients of scholarships will be responsible for any and all taxes that apply to receipt of a scholarship under the law of their state of residence. Applicants should check with the appropriate state agency or with an accountant or lawyer specializing in tax questions. Emerge cannot answer questions about taxes.

Board members of Emerge or employees of Emerge are not eligible for a receipt of a scholarship, nor are relatives of board members or employees of Emerge.

The 2012 Emerge scholarships will be presented and winners recognized at an awards luncheon on Tuesday, February 28, 2012 in the metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia area. Each scholarship recipient must attend the awards dinner in order to qualify for her scholarship. Travel arrangements will be made by Emerge, and all expenses associated with travel and lodging will be paid by Emerge.

All materials submitted become the property of Emerge and will not be returned to the applicant.

Applicants for domestic scholarships must be a current resident of the United States (including Puerto Rico), or a U.S. citizen living abroad who is applying for study at an educational facility located within the United States. Foreign nationals living in the United States who have a green card and who plan to study within the United States may also apply. Emerge does not award scholarships for study outside of the United States.

Emerge provides international scholarships for study under the auspices of educational institutions and organizations that are equipped to properly screen and sponsor students who do not reside in the United States. These scholarships are awarded only to international students who will be studying at educational facilities located within the United States. At this time we do not accept direct applications from international students; students will be referred to us by the institutions and organizations that will sponsor them.

For more information about Emerge Scholarship 2012 for International students, USA, please kindly visiting their official website to know about scholarship application and many more

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