Selasa, Oktober 04, 2011


air untuk masa depan

Name: Lilik Ozy Prasetyo

WATER ... everyone would already know these things because everyone would membutuhkannya.Dalam water daily life was instrumental for the creation of human survival. Than 70% of human body weight is water and 71% of the world's surface is sea water (97%), remaining fresh water (87% ais and glaciers, underground water, air., 13% of surface water (0.4% of water)) .

Water for life interests are so numerous, especially in the domestic field., Industrial, agricultural, recreational, and safety. In addition to that, the water also helps an important process in the body of a person such as absorption of oxygen in the alveoli, regulate body temperature., Helps the circulatory system., Kidneys and intestinal tract. Thus, changes in water content of 10% is a big problem for the health and change 20% water content is tantamount to death.
Now just clean the river is only about 25% of the river is clean, simple river polluted 65% and 10% of the river has been polluted. Pollution that occurs in the water caused by farm and domestic aktiviti 43%, forest clearance and cultivation aktiviti 34%, 21% due to the industry. While 94.5% of sea water pollution by oil and gris, 73.7% by pepejal terampai, 28.7% by E. coli. Pollution of underground water 3% contain adequate mercury, cadmium and plumbum, 23% phenolic and 40% contain adequate contain adequate arsenic. If this happens constantly in the absence of an equilibrium, let us ponder and imagine what will happen in the future.
In an ecosystem of life there are 2 components, namely components of biotic and abiotic components. If one is damaged then the other was also damaged. Thus, causing breeding of disease vectors, transmission of water-borne disease agents, food poisoning, skin diseases. In the world, 80% of disease in the state building was caused by contamination of water bekalan. Approximately 4-5 million childhood deaths worldwide each year due to contamination of water bekalan.
The most simple example is the destruction of illegal logging in countries that are growing rapidly can lead to increased air temperatures, flooding, water crisis, the extinction of many species of various living things, etc.. With the rapid developments occurring continuously then it will result in contaminated water cycle.

Water pollution can be caused by several types of pollutants such as disposal of industrial waste, residual insecticides, and disposal of domestic waste, for example, residual detergent pollute water sungai.Buangan industries such as Pb, Hg, Zn, and CO, can accumulate and are toxic. Organic waste is decomposed by bacteria in the water causes 02 decreases thereby disrupting the activity of living organisms in the water. Phosphate decay results with h03 and agricultural fertilizers accumulate and cause eutrophication, which causes the accumulation of minerals that rapid growth of algae (Blooming algae). As a result, plants in the water can not photosynthesize because sunlight is blocked.
At sea, one of its pollutants are oil spills, oil tanker accidents often occur. Many aquatic organisms are dead or poisoned dna and eventually led to the fishermen suffered losses. Therefore, to clean up polluted areas is required coordination of various parties and the required cost. When its late response, a growing number of human losses. Ecologically, it can disrupt the ecosystem is disrupted ekosistem.Bila will occur, causing water pollution in the accumulation of contaminants on aquatic organisms body. The accumulation of pollutants is increasing at a greater predatory organisms and ultimately mankind itself also to be very experienced losses.
Looking at these events, we should be more aware of the respect the environment and preserve it so as to create an organism that lives continuously in the future. We live in nature and all derived from nature, water is key in life.

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